Childhood bereavement information in your language

Winston’s Wish offers several resources on childhood bereavement in languages other than English. Click on the language you’re looking for below to reveal the information available and then click the button to download as a PDF.

At the bottom of every page of our website, we have Google Translate so you can automatically translate everything into any language you choose. On our Helpline, we can use interpreters if you need to speak to us in a language other than English, and we can use the Relay UK app if you have hearing or speech difficulties.

Are you looking for another language or further information? We are hoping to increase the number of translated resources we can provide, please fill out this form so we can understand the languages and information to focus on.

Jak wyjaśnić samobójstwo dzieciom i młodzieży?

How to explain suicide to children and young people

Czy powiedzieć moim dzieciom, że kochana przez nie osoba umiera?

Should I tell my children that their loved one is dying?

Sposoby na radzenie sobie z rocznicami, urodzinami i szczególnymi dniami po przejściu żałoby

Ways to cope with anniversaries, birthdays and special days when you have been bereaved

Como explicar o suicídio a crianças e jovens

How to explain suicide to children and young people

Devo dizer aos meus filhos que o seu ente querido está a morrer?

Should I tell my children that their loved one is dying?

Formas de lidar com aniversários, datas de nascimento e dias especiais de luto

Ways to cope with anniversaries, birthdays and special days when you have been bereaved

Cum să explici sinuciderea copiilor și persoanelor tinere

How to explain suicide to children and young people

Ar trebui să le spun copiilor mei că o persoană iubită de ei este pe moarte?

Should I tell my children that their loved one is dying?

Modalități de a face față aniversărilor, zilelor de naștere și zilelor speciale când ești îndoliat

Ways to cope with anniversaries, birthdays and special days when you have been bereaved