Hear from the Bailey family

Trigger warning: The following contains details of death and bereavement which some may find upsetting to read.

Shayla was quite a closed book when she started talking to Sophie, but when the sessions were coming to an end, she came to me and said, ‘Mummy I feel like I need more, I don’t feel comfortable walking away’.

Shayla didn’t want to load me with anymore of her feelings. If she saw I was having a good day, she didn’t want to cry in front of me, and I know that’s also how I felt with the children. So those sessions with Winston’s Wish gave her space to just be in the moment and feel how she wanted without worrying she was upsetting one of us.

I asked Shayla her thoughts on the sessions, and she said ‘It felt like Sophie knew what I was saying even if I didn’t make sense. It was nice having someone outside my family to talk to and be able to open up to. I remember I did an activity where someone my age had just lost their dad, and I created a poster of what I would say to them. I said ‘Everything will be ok, and even if it’s not ok, it’s not the end’’

For a long time, Shayla didn’t want to go out with her friends, she felt like she wasn’t allowed to, or shouldn’t be happy or enjoying herself. I told her that daddy wouldn’t want you to ever feel like that, he would want you to still go and enjoy your life. Life is for the living; we’re meant to enjoy it and make memories.

Our sessions with Winston’s Wish helped us find ways to remember Jordan, but they also taught us to put ourselves first and not to feel guilty about experiencing moments of joy. This will be our third Christmas without Jordan and as a family we have decided to visit the cemetery either side of day itself, the way Jordan would want us to, and in a way that allows us to continue creating moments of joy.

Winston’s Wish has helped us learn to live alongside our grief and the importance of allowing yourself to feel joy. There will be children waking up this Christmas without their loved one who has died. Thousands across the country won’t get to wish the person they love a Merry Christmas.

Your donation today can help them find their moments of joy amidst the chaos; it could be in watching their favourite holiday movie, eating too many mince pies, or being able to share a memory of their important person. You can help to make this holiday a little brighter for grieving children.

We hope by sharing our story it will help other grieving children to not feel alone and give them the opportunity to find their joy.

Thank you for supporting Winston’s Wish and children like Shayla, Ella and Kai.

Best Wishes,

Jade (Mum to Shayla, Ella and Kai)

P.S Last December Winston’s Wish supported 5,061 children thanks to people like you supporting their Christmas Appeal. Please donate today to help Winston’s Wish support even more this year. Thank you so much.