Player 2 gaming for Winston's Wish

Calling all gamers! Who’s your Player 2?

Childhood bereavement charity, Winston’s Wish, launches new Player 2 gaming campaign to celebrate significant second players, and raise vital funds for grieving children.

Player 2 gaming for Winston's Wish

It is now widely recognised and acknowledged that gaming can offer many positive benefits – and helping with grief is just one of these.

Just like films and books, games can present an opportunity for players to identify with storylines and characters – and perhaps, on a sub-conscious level, feel supported and learn how to cope with difficult life experiences through scenario, narrative and metaphor. Gaming with others can help us feel a connection to the person we are playing with which, when grieving, may help to reduce the sense of isolation. It can also promote concentration and mindfulness, and offer a welcome distraction when everything feels too much. And, in cases where the person who has died is someone they used to game with, it can even help those grieving to remember and feel connected to lost companions – their Player 2.

Because of this, Winston’s Wish – a leading UK childhood bereavement charity – is proud to unveil its brand new Player 2 fundraising campaign to celebrate and remember all our Player 2’s, both past and present, while raising funds to support grieving children.

The charity is reaching out to gamers and streamers, asking them to hold a gaming fundraising event in celebration of their own Player 2, to help raise money for children who have lost theirs. The charity hopes the initiative will raise vital funds to support grieving children and young people, at a time when demand on its services are increasing due to the many coronavirus deaths.

Campaign creator and Winston’s Wish fundraiser Trish O’Brien explains: “Your ‘Player 2’ can be anyone that means something to you, whether you game together or not – maybe it’s someone you’ve also lost, someone that’s helped you through tough times, or just someone special that you want to celebrate. Or perhaps you’d just like to join in to support grieving children, and that’s fine too – everyone is welcome!

“We hear lots of stories from bereaved families who enjoy gaming as a past-time and have found it helpful in managing their grief.  Some have even shared that the person who died is someone they used to game with – their Player 2 – and it is their stories that have inspired this campaign. It feels like the perfect way to honour loved ones lost, whilst also raising vital funds for those children in need of bereavement support.”

To sign up to Player 2 and charity stream for Winston’s Wish, visit where you will get access to tips, ideas and inspiration for gaming challenges, along with free downloadable social media badges and a stream overlay

Share your Player 2 stories, pictures, clips, and gaming challenges with the hashtag #MyPlayer2 and #TeamWinston