
Savoo and Winston's Wish

Support Winston’s Wish for free as you shop

Looking for further ways to support Winston’s Wish and the grieving children we help? Shop online through discount code and money-saving website Savoo and you’ll raise uncapped donations for Winston’s Wish, at no cost to you, plus you’ll save money on your shopping with their discount codes. Why we need your ...
Player 2 gaming for Winston's Wish

Calling all gamers! Who’s your Player 2?

Childhood bereavement charity, Winston's Wish, launches new Player 2 gaming campaign to celebrate significant second players, and raise vital funds for grieving children. It is now widely recognised and acknowledged that gaming can offer many positive benefits – and helping with grief is just one of these. Just like films and books, ...
David solo marathon

Running a solo marathon to raise money for Winston’s Wish

When the London Marathon was postponed because of coronavirus (COVID-19), David decided to challenge himself and run his first marathon on his own and raise money for Winston’s Wish. Why did you decide to run the London Marathon? Running the London Marathon is something I’ve always wanted to do. I started running ...
Walking the Western Front Way

Walking 680 miles to raise money for Winston’s Wish

A 10-man Royal Navy team are planning to walk the 680-mile Western Front Way in April next year in memory of those who gave their lives in WWI and to raise money for a number of charities, including Winston’s Wish. Team leader, LS (MW) Stephen Richardson, explains why they decided ...
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